the Yorkshire Society of Anaesthetists





All-day meeting Strensall, York, 24 April 2004 

"Different Perspectives" as .pdf

Penetrating trauma, gunshot wounds, explosives, chemical weapons, helicopter evacuation and non-medical anaesthetists were once largely the preserve of the military but with the rise of gun culture, terrorism and asymmetric threats, they could be in your casualty department tomorrow. The meeting will explore common areas of practice viewed from a different perspective. Optional demonstrations of a field hospital operating theatre, chemical and biological protection, and SimMan are available after the main meeting. Registration is between 0900-0930, the full programme is to follow and will be available by clicking on the "as.pdf" link above.

The meeting is being held in the Army Medical Services Training Centre, York. It is free to members of the YSA and will attract 5 CME points but please note you are required to book before the day of the meeting to facilitate arrangements. There is a form with the programme or if you prefer to register by email, please click on the link below (this is available now). Alternatively you can contact Jennie Smith by any of the routes on our contact page. 

To register by email

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Travel directions and map 

The Army Medical Services Training Centre is at Towthorpe Lines, Towthorpe, YORK. It is well-signposted from the A64 (and from the Strensall approach). Map and directions are available by clicking on the multimap logo and entering postcode: yo329ss to the appropriate sections.

Alternatively, it is 54:01:09N, 1:01:58W on grid reference SE634585.